Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ten day challenge!

I've decided to take a detour from examining the Bible, to share with you a series of videos from Lee Strobel. If you missed my last post which introduces Lee and where he shares his abbreviated testimony, I highly recommend you watch that first! I feel led to share this series of 10 short videos (less than 5 minutes each) over the next 10 days because I feel this is an area that affects our spirituality SO STRONGLY. That is the debate over evolution vs creationism.

My son is studying evolution this week in Biology and I have to say I'm so glad! Although our family firmly believes that God created the earth and every living thing on it, I think it is so important to know about what Darwin had to say as well. As I said before, I am a researcher. I encourage my children to be researchers as well. To simply believe something because it is what your biology book tells you to believe or because it is the predominant worldly view is once again having blind faith. For that matter I don't want my children to believe in creationism just because it is what I tell them to believe! They need to examine all the evidence for themselves. Therefore, in addition to studying evolution in his biology book I'm also having my son watch these videos as well. I challenge you to join my son over the next 10 days and watch these videos too!

I'm confident that after you do, you will realize that evolution is simply not possible. Lee Strobel does a much better job than I could ever do of explaining why creationism is truth....and here's the thing; once you believe it too, it literally will change your mind set when it comes to spiritual matters. Because if creationism is the truth...then there HAS to be a God that created the world and everything and everyone in it. Additionally a lot of what is discussed in these videos ties right in to my  last post regarding examining the proof of science in the Bible. It's just another piece of the "spiritual puzzle".

If you are already a believer in creationism I also challenge you to watch these videos as it will increase your faith and give you powerful information to share with others.

So with that being said, I pray that you will take the 10 day challenge. Less than 5 minutes a day for the next 10 days to watch these series of videos on The Case for a Creator hosted by Lee Strobel. It just might change your mind.

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