Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Warren Smith: The Meaning and Danger of the New Age Movement

As an important part of my series of posts on examining major world religions, I want to expand further on looking at the New Age Movement and  share a few videos with author, speaker and past New Ager Warren Smith. Warren discusses how he was very involved in the New Age Movement for many years and how he found his way out of the movement and was ultimately saved and is now a believer in Jesus Christ.

This interview reminds me a bit of my spiritual journey. I was introduced to the New Age Movement as a teen ager and as I've said I sought out readings with psychics, mediums and also attended a few Channelings. I read many New Age books. I owned crystals which I meditated on to bring me good fortune. Like Warren however, there was a darkness that surrounded me and in fact I had some very real and very scary experiences that I now know were the result of the satanic presence that following the New Age Movement brought into my life.  This darkness followed me well into adult hood and all the way up until I accepted Christ.

At the end of this video when Warren explains how he asked Jesus to come into his life and how he immediately felt the darkness leave him as the holy spirit begin to dwell within him brought me to tears as it is exactly the same experience that I had.

I urge you to watch this short video where Warren shares his in depth experiences as a follower of The New Age Movement, the danger that is a part of the movement and about his life now as a follower of Christ.

*Video starts near the end. Slide red bar over to the left and start from the beginning.

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