Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ghosts, Spirit Guides and my personal experiences with the paranormal

Once again, a reader of my blog has a question for me, this time regarding my last post on the difference between a psychic and a prophet. I figure if she has this question, then perhaps other readers are also asking the question so I've decided to answer her question here.

Her question is this, " How do we know that psychics/mediums are consulting with demons and not real spirits of deceased loved ones?" This particular reader has often watched "The Long Island Medium" and has consulted psychics herself. She finds the idea of a demon pretty far out there and a bit ridiculous. Therefore I have posted this video that I highly recommend that everyone watch. Additionally I am going to explain about my personal experiences dealing with demons and I pray that you will read about them and consider the implications of what I'm about to describe.

Before I became a Christian I would laugh at anyone who proposed the idea of Satan and Demons.  I felt the ideas of Satan, Hell and Demons preposterous. However I can now assure you that Satan and his demons are real and they are masquerading as deceased loved ones, ghosts and they can and will brew up paranormal experiences in the lives of those who invite them in.

As I have described, before becoming a Christian I had dabbled in the occult. I (like many) was drawn into the idea of being a "Spiritual" person and was drawn in to The New Age Movement. I consulted psychics, I owned crystals to "guide me"and asked my "spirit guides" to lead me to all things good.  During that time I had many dark and very scary things happen to me and I now realize without a doubt that these scary occurrences were the result of the fact that I had unknowingly opened a portal to demons and they were not only in my life, but they were messing with it.

At the age of 19 I left home to move away and attend a university. I meditated on my crystal day and night asking the universe to send me to the "perfect" room mate and place to live near campus. Once I found the room mate and room to rent I sought the counsel of psychics to guide me through my college experience. I was thrilled to learn that my room mate was also very interested in being a "spiritual" person and had also sought the advice of psychics.

Without going through every harrowing experience one by one let me just tell you that I had many very scary experiences in our shared condo. The least of which was hearing my name called out throughout the home by a voice that can only be described as demonic in nature. This demon would wait till I was alone for maximum effect in being sure it scared me half to death.

Completely unaware that I was dabbling in the occult, I continued to bring these demonic forces into my life for many many years. I had some terrifying experiences and I felt helpless to stop them. In fact the worse the scary experiences got the more I would call to my "spirit guides" to guide me to safety. I had no idea that I was continually inviting this dark presence into my life as I did this! My room mate also had experiences that were dark and unwanted. I'm happy to say that my ex room mate and I are both now Christians and looking back we know exactly what was going on in our lives and in that condo.

Fast forward to 2012. I've now been a Christian for ten years. I know that Satan and his demonic forces are real. We moved into an older home in a beach city in Southern California. This was a dream house for me. It was light yellow with a white picket fence. The yards were perfection. We immediately signed a lease and moved in.

Within a few months of living there I felt what I can only describe as a  "presence" in the home.  Nothing was actually happening at that point other then I would occasionally see a shadow in a corner and feel that something was "off". Then things started getting a little more odd. Out of nowhere pictures started falling off of walls. In our guest room we had a small tv plugged in for guests. I could be in the kitchen and I'd hear the tv on and turned up very loudly in the guest room. No one else was home, so it had turned on all by "itself". Pictures falling off of walls and the tv turning on and off were becoming a daily thing.  My son and husband also witnessed these things. Oddly, I wasn't scared at all I felt protected by God.

This went on for about a week and then one night my husband, son and I were all awoken by what was a very loud crash coming from the attic. My husband and son bolted out of bed, got the ladder and went up to see what was going on. They found nothing. The "experience" had kept us all up half the night and low and behold we missed church the next day as we were so tired. Interesting.... The next day I was in my craft room and I was standing there watching tv while preparing to work on my scrap booking. I literally watched as a bottle of Windex that was sitting on the window ledge fall to the floor. It was like it was pushed off the ledge.

I decided right there that these two full weeks of bizarre activity was enough. I went to the Lord in deep prayer asking Him what to do. Immediately he told me that I had opened a demonic portal in the home because I had been watching "The Long Island Medium" and "Hollywood Ghost Stories" on a regular basis on tv. Additionally I had struck up an acquaintance with a woman who worked at Whole Foods who was a follower of Wicca and called herself an "Earth Witch". She was the nicest, sweetest lady in the world and I had mentioned my "haunting" to her the week prior. She had advised me to burn sage and wave it from room to room. I actually bought the sage hoping it would work!  I try really hard to befriend, love and witness to all of God's children regardless of their religious beliefs, but God reminded me that by engaging in conversations with her about her Wicca religion over the past several months I was opening myself back up to the occult. It then dawned on me that I started watching both ghost shows and having conversations with the  someone who follows Wicca only AFTER moving into the house. I knew I shouldn't be watching those shows but I found them so fascinating. Even after 10 years of being a Christian there was a part of me that still wanted to believe that we could somehow contact our deceased loved ones. I was still allowing myself to be pulled into the darkness of the occult even though I knew better!!  This desire came from the fact that I had lost my mother 5 years before. Even though I knew what the Bible said and deep down I knew that these mediums were most likely communicating with demons....I still had hope that perhaps the experiences were real. I had real hopes of reaching the Wicca lady for Christ as well, but realized then that by allowing myself to listen to her talking about her witchcraft and it's practices I was opening myself up to things I shouldn't. The fact that I followed her advice with the burning sage only drew me in further.

Once God revealed all of this to me, he prompted me not only to stop watching the shows and to no longer engage in conversations with the Wicca lady regarding her religion; but to go through each room and pray over it. So I did. I went from room to room and in a loud, authoritative voice I said the following,

"Through the power of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ I renounce you Satan! I am telling you and all of your demons to leave my house NOW!"

I even stood directly under the attic opening in the ceiling and yelled it up at the attic!

After praying over every room of the house, I went back to the Lord in deep prayer and continued for the rest of the day to repent of being lured back into the occult. Low and behold, the strange activity stopped THAT DAY. This is after having pictures falling off walls, a tv turning on and off, strange shadows lurking in corners and crashing noises coming from the attic had gone on for well over 2 weeks.

If that does not prove the power of Jesus Christ over demonic behavior than I don't know what does. Each and every believer in Jesus Christ has the power of the holy spirit within them and has authority over Satan and his demons. All we need do is exercise our power and let the demons know that we have the power of Jesus within us!

God tells us in His word about our authority through Jesus over Satan.

Luke 10:19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. 

James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

Luke 10:17 The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name."

These are just a FEW of the verses that God has given us regarding Christ's  power over Satan in His name. If you or someone you love is seeking the advice of psychics, playing with the Ouija board or dabbling in the occult in any way, shape or form I admonish you to take serious heed. I promise you that I have lived through some very dark and scary experiences as a result in  times where I dabbled in The New Age Movement and even recently as a very strong believer in my faith in Jesus and Christianity I was very easily and quickly drawn back in.

Satan does NOT want you to know the truth about Jesus. He wants you to follow him and his schemes. Remember how the crash in the attic happened on a Saturday night and kept my family from going to church the next day? These demons are not fooling around. They want to keep you away from God and His people and that includes church. We must always be on the alert and guard our hearts and minds.

In addition to my experiences I have spoken to several friends and family members who have also had paranormal experiences as a result of dabbling in the occult. One family member was living with a group of 3 girls while away at college. The girls decided it would be fun to buy a Ouija board and try to drum up "spirits" one night. After dimming the lights, lighting candles and all sitting around the board they began to play the "game". It wasn't long before they had opened a portal to demonic activity and one of the doors in the back of their apartment slammed shut! Next thing they knew they heard loud foot steps walking down the hall coming towards them. They screamed and ran out of the apartment. It scared them half to death. They got rid of the Ouija board and were so scared for the next several weeks they all slept together in the same bed! There was no one in the apartment with them and in speaking to these girls personally they are all positive this was a real experience with a real demon.

Another friend who had dabbled in New Age activities also had an experience where one day she was sitting at her computer writing an email. Out of nowhere she felt something squeezing her arm very forcefully and hard. There was no one there. She hopped up and told the "spirit" to go away. The experience terrified her and in talking to her about it she felt it was the spirit of her mother in law who had recently passed away. Since they always had a difficult relationship she felt her ghost had come back to haunt her. What she didn't realize is that her adherence to the New Age Lifestyle had opened a portal to a demonic presence.

These are only two examples out of many I could share. If you are a saved believer in Jesus Christ and you stay clear of all occult practices, including entertaining yourself with watching shows on mediums, reading New Age books, following your horoscope, seek out help from someone who follows Wicca or anything else that is strictly forbidden by God in the Bible, then you should never have to worry about being affected by a paranormal activity brought on by a demon. 

"When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations."There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer,… Deuteronomy 18:9

"Do not defile yourselves by turning to mediums or to those who consult the spirits of the dead. I am the LORD your God......Leviticus 19:31

Thank you for reading A Spirit Filled Life and may God bless you!

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