Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The difference between a Psychic and a Prophet.

A friend and reader of my blog recently read through my posts on the New Age Movement and asked  me, "what's the difference between a psychic & a prophet?" .... They both claim to foretell or foreknow information concerning the future ........"

l told her, the difference between the two is the SOURCE  from which they receive their information. A prophet knows information as it has been revealed to him/her by God, whereas a psychics source of information is revealed through a "familiar spirit"  ....

In times of such uncertainty we all want to know what will be the outcome of our future, we, in our human nature want to know the details of our lives ..... the who, when, where & what of our existence/future, so it can be tempting & easy for one to get caught up and not realize they're opening Pandora's Box & potentially dancing with the devil when they seek out a reading with a psychic. In the past I have consulted with psychics and although these "seerers" seemed to know things about my past and were anxious to foretell my future; I know now that the" familiar spirits" that were giving the psychics information were not to be trusted.  

"What are familiar spirits?"

The word familiar is from the Latin familiaris, meaning a "household servant," and is intended to express the idea that sorcerers had spirits as their servants ready to obey their commands. Those attempting to contact the dead, even to this day, usually have some sort of "spirit guide" who communicates with them. These are the" familiar spirits."

Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27, and Deuteronomy 18:9-14 refer to “mediums and familiar spirits” and forbids being involved with them, as they are an abomination to the Lord. The medium was one who acted as a “go-between” to supposedly contact or communicate with the dead, but in reality they were contacting demons who convinced the mediums that they were “familiar” and could be trusted and believed.

The word "psychic" is from the Greek word "psychikos"-"of the mind" "mental", also called sensitive is a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception  (ESP), or is said by others to have such abilities.

The word “prophesy” is from the Greek word “propheteuo” and means “to foretell events, divine, speak under inspiration, exercise the prophetic office”, “to hold the office of a prophet; to do the work of a prophet, i.e. to speak forth, in declaration, warning or exhortation, as directed by the Spirit of God” 
The word “prophecy” means “1. a. a message of divine truth revealing God’s will. b. the act of uttering such a message. 3. the function, activity, or charismatic endowment of a prophet or prophets” 
Have you ever wondered why Christians behave as they do? What factors motivate our actions? One important answer is the nature of a believer’s spiritual gift. Whatever you do in life, you will do your best and find the greatest sense of fulfillment by using your gift in the power of the Holy Spirit. The gift of prophecy is one of seven motivational gifts identified by God’s Word in Romans 12:6-8:

"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith."

Prophecy means much more than to foretell the future. It also means “to speak the truth” or “to proclaim.” For some with this gift they are able to hear God speak to them in many ways. Audibly or through an internal "voice" that they clearly hear,  through dreams, visions,  etc.. For these operating in this aspect of the gift, God reveals future events and information with great clarity.  For most however, the motivational gift of prophecy is primarily concerned with speaking forth the truth. The Word of God helps us to understand characteristics and avoid misunderstandings associated with the gift of prophecy, and it shows us how we use that gift when we walk in the Spirit.

At Pentecost (after Jesus died, he sent his Holy Spirit to dwell in all his followers), his disciple Peter addressed the crowd and said,

“‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy.
I will show wonders in the heavens above
and signs on the earth below,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.
The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
Acts 2:17-21

The Gift of Prophecy functions when a Holy Spirit-filled believer is “in tune” with the Spirit of God, perceiving and discerning what God wants spoken out in a particular place or time amongst a certain people. He has to use those who are available to His promptings . . . who are willing to step outside their “comfort zone” and allow the Lord to speak through them in a public manner with an audible voice. God has chosen this means to “communicate” His word and will amongst the people! Prophesying is speaking forth under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, sharing a love message (or letter...or blog post!) from the heart of Jesus Christ to the people. We as believers  become a delivery person speaking on behalf of God. Because it is Holy Spirit inspired, it is a message from God through us to the people. If those with this gifting fail to stir up, and step into, the exercising of the Gift of Prophecy, then we are “robbing” others of the opportunity to hear God speaking to them in such a way that they will do something about their present situation or lifestyle. Below is a list of attributes that are typically found in someone with the gift of prophecy.
1. Those with the gift of prophecy have a strong need for verbal expression. Believers with this gift are likely to be the very first to speak in any situation. They rise and state their feelings, particularly when they observe some act of injustice. Peter is an excellent example of someone with the gift of prophecy, because he was always the first disciple to speak out. Those with this gift don’t necessarily speak publicly, but they often give counsel. They tell us exactly what we should do, then they check with us to see if we did it.
2. Those with the gift of prophecy have a strong ability to discern the character and motives of other people. Christians with this gift may walk into a room and immediately sense any harmony or discord among those present. They are very sensitive to the hidden motives of people, because the Spirit of God has given them the power of discernment. They are also committed to God, and therefore prone to correcting behavior that isn’t true to His Word. Christians with the gift of prophecy are often misunderstood because of their quick judgments.
3. Those with the gift of prophecy become wholeheartedly involved. Believers with this gift devote all their effort to every activity in which they become involved. Their nature is to pay whatever price is necessary to get a job  done. Therefore, they have little patience with those who continue to spend valuable time laboring too much over a decision. They make their choice quickly, get to work, and expect others to do the same. Peter exemplified this tendency when he jumped into the water at Jesus’ invitation to step from his boat and walk on the sea (Matthew 14:25-29)  These believers work with all their heart and conviction. 
4. Those with the gift of prophecy are open to correction. Because they are committed to obeying God’s Word, these believers are willing to be shown their spiritual shortcomings. They enjoy seeing righteousness in the lives of others, but they want to see it in their own lives as well. Therefore, they are dedicated to doing the right thing. Peter doubted Jesus when He told him to go out to sea and put down the fishing nets, but when the bounty of Jesus came through, Peter saw his mistake, and fell at the feet of Jesus saying, “Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man” (Luke 5:8) A highly recommend as believers that we have an "accountability partner" or a mentor. Someone who is a very mature believer that you trust to "call you out" so to speak if you need it! For me, my friend Beverly J is that person. I have given her permission long ago to lovingly and obediently admonish and correct anything that she sees me doing or hears about me doing that is not following God's word for righteous living. 
5. Those with the gift of prophecy are extremely loyal. In marriage, among their children or parents, or in any other setting, believers with the gift of prophecy always show loyalty. The gift will not allow them to be fickle, and they will stand beside even those friends or leaders who have done wrong, not to justify their sin but to help them. Jesus once asked His disciples if they, too, were going to desert Him when so many others did. Peter replied, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life” (John 6:68).
6. Those with the gift of prophecy are willing to suffer for what is right. Believers with this spiritual gift are greatly opposed to wrong and injustice. They will take a stand for what is right, even if it requires sacrifice. Peter wrote, “But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed” (1 Peter 3:14) How many Christians today are willing to stand by the church during hard times?
7. Those with the gift of prophecy are persuasive in defining truth. You will never be in doubt about the beliefs of someone with the gift of prophecy. They speak their convictions with great clarity. They also validate their beliefs through the Word of God. Believers with this gift will always make certain that their words are understood, because they want their listeners to do the right thing. Therefore, they will take care to speak at the level of understanding that is appropriate for that audience.
8. What are some common misunderstandings about the gift of prophecy? Those with the gift of prophecy are often seen as being intolerant because of their strong sense of right and wrong. They are thought to be poor listeners because they are eager to proclaim the truth. Their frankness may be viewed as harshness, and their interest in the whole group may be misinterpreted as lack of interest in a particular individual. Because they find new methods of accomplishment, they are accused of using gimmicks. These believers focus on their personal decision, and others accuse them of neglecting spiritual growth. Finally, their public boldness and strict standards can hinder them from experiencing intimate personal relationships.
9. What if someone with this gift fails to walk in the Spirit? Those with the gift of prophecy are always truthful in the Spirit, but walking in the flesh will make them deceptive. Their sincerity in proclaiming the truth will quickly become hypocrisy when they are not allowing the Spirit to direct their lives, and their strong commitment to living morally will give way to impurity. Although this gift encourages boldness, when we live in the flesh we become fearful and ineffective. When walking in the flesh, this believer will be less forgiving and more prone to cruelly reject others.
Walking in the Spirit makes all the difference in your life. We are joyful and fulfilled when we let God guide and direct how we use the gifts He gives us. Yet we are ineffective and frustrated when we try to live under our own power. My friend, it is essential that you and I walk in the Spirit every day, whatever we do. When we walk in His power, we keep in step with God’s plan for our lives. Then, when we need to be corrected, God will send someone with the gift of prophecy to correct us in a loving and constructive way. Do you have a humble, correctable attitude? If so, you will grow stronger and more obedient, and then you can begin to operate effectively through your spiritual gift, whatever it may be.
       As wonderful as the gift of prophecy is to those who are blessed to have the God given ability,  there are many dangers of prophecy that need to be considered. Prophecy is particularly dangerous in the key areas of life. There is so much risk, and so much damage has been done in God’s name by unwise, unsafe prophecy. 

We should avoid, in almost every case, what I call “hatch, match or dispatch” prophesies. What’s a hatch prophesy? A hatch prophesy is when you go up to a lady and say, “I really believe God is going to give you a baby.” Not wise. 

A match prophesy is, “I think you two should get married,” or worse still, when a guy goes to a girl and says, “God has told me that we’re going to get married.” Not wise. The girl might well reply, “Well, He hasn’t told me!”

Dispatch prophesies are about predicting death—not good.But just as dangerous also are those prophecies where someone has a fatal illness and a foolish person says, “I really feel God has said you’re going to be healed.” Not helpful—it can be very dangerous. Avoid sharing these kinds of prophecies like the plague.

Prophecy can be misleading and very damaging in foolish hands. Lives can be destroyed by the response of someone to a careless word. In fact, because of this risk, I can understand why at various points throughout history, the cry has gone up, “Ban it!” But the Bible does not allow us to do that. Because of the dangers of prophecy, I would encourage you, if you do have a prophetic word for someone, to have a witness present to confirm or correct what is being said and to relieve any pressure that the person might feel. It’s very wise to say things like, “Well, I need you to weigh this,” or, “Please check this with your pastor,” or, “Does this make any sense to you?”Sometimes people deliver a prophetic word and they say, “Does that make any sense?” and the answer is no. “What do you mean, it doesn’t make any sense? It was God, wasn’t it?” Well, not necessarily.How do we recognize true prophecy, then?

It is not the prophet who we test; rather, it is the prophetic words. A powerful word can sometimes come from a new Christian. Equally, however, no word is true simply because it came from someone who has a good track record of hearing from God. We are not told to test the Bible. The Bible, we know, is true. But we have to test prophetic words by what the Bible says. For those who operate in this gifting, they typically know it. However, they should still consult each and every prompting from the Lord to His word before delivering prophetic messages to others. 

Do you feel YOU have the gift of prophesy? If you do, then I strongly suggest that you not hide from this God given ability. There are many books that can help you to strengthen your spiritual gift and speaking to your Pastor or another trusted believer who also has the gift can help you as you begin to utilize your special gifting bestowed upon you by the Holy Spirit.

I encourage all believers to find out what their spiritual gift(s) is and use it wisely and effectively to serve the Lord. In a future blog post I will be discussing more on spiritual gifts. In the meanwhile, if you are a believer I encourage you to take a spiritual gift assessment test. I have provided the website to a trusted and accurate test site below. A large part of living a spirit filled life is knowing your spiritual gifts and using them to serve God. Nothing brings more fulfillment in life than doing what it is that God sent you here to do!


Unfortunately I was unable to get the above website to link here, so you will have to type it in yourself on your search field.

special thank you goes out to my reader who asked me the question about what is the difference between a psychic and a prophet. This blog post now completes my examination of the New Age Movement and I will now move on to looking at another prominent world religion/movement which is Mormonism.Thank you for reading A Spirit Filled Life and may God bless you.

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