Monday, June 23, 2014

The Documentary that convince Atheists to believe in God ...

I've decided to interrupt my series of examining world religions to share this important documentary. I recently asked an atheist to watch this and report back to me. The atheist said this to me a short time after watching...

"If an atheist truly opens their mind, watches this, examines and studies the claims and STILL denies the existence of God then what they have is a pride problem. Either that or they just don't want to believe, because to believe means having to possibly change their life or what they have always held true"

Therefore I challenge anyone who is an atheist/and or believes in evolution to not only watch this, but by all means pick it apart! Take every claim, every speaker, every experiment and hypothesis and test it.

If you still don't believe, well than I have to agree with my friend (now a former atheist I might add) and her quote. Don't let pride, or your disgust with a political party or any group of religious people and their actions keep you from the truth.

God's not dead. He's surely alive.

*Note: this documentary is approximately an hour long. Take the time to watch it and by all means take notes and research it's claims. Please note this video has french subtitles and has been spliced together from a series. There is a few 30 second pauses with french subtitles. Just fast forward through.

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